Art Ex Animo (from the heart)

Every child deserves treatment.

1 in 7 US children has a treatable mental disorder, yet half of these children go untreated.

The mission of Art Ex Animo is to break down the barriers that prevent children from receiving psychiatric support by helping to grow the number of psychiatric care providers in the U.S.

ex ani·​mo


from the heart; sincerely

We need more mental health providers.

One of the biggest obstacles to achieving care for children is that there are not enough providers to address the need.

Art Ex Animo aims to help students on their path to joining mental health providers across the US.

What does Art Ex Animo do?

Art Ex Animo creates custom art pieces at your request! All money made from each commission will go to support the Art Ex Animo scholarship fund for students pursuing a career in clinical psychology.

If you would like to support us but do not have the resources, please share our website with your friends and family on social media! Anything helps.

Check my Twitter for updates and art examples!

It takes less than a minute.

We need your help to accomplish our goal. Click the button below to read about our organization and how you can support us.

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